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Chowan University

United States History Research Guide

Help finding primary and secondary sources for history classes.

What is a Primary Source?

A primary source is an object such as a document or artifact that was created during the time period you are studying.

A Primary Source Could Be...

  1. A document from the time period you are studying.  For example letters, film footage, public papers, speeches, newspapers
  2. An autobiography or a diary
  3. An artifact from the time period.  For example clothes, tools, furniture, money
  4. Interviews or oral histories from a person who lived during the time period you are studying.
  5. Creative works such as art, music, dancing, plays, stories, poetry

What is a Secondary Source?

A secondary source uses primary sources to analyze historical events after the event has already occurred.

A Secondary Source Could Be...

  1. Scholarly journal articles
  2. Scholarly books
  3. Documentaries
  4. Biographies
  5. Encyclopedias