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Chowan University

How to Evaluate Sources

Learn a quick easy way to evaluate information
Investigate the source


  • Who is behind the website or social media post?
  • What is their agenda/ bias?
  • When was it published?
  • Can you trust this source?

The best way to answer these questions is to do lateral reading or search the internet to learn what other people say about the source.

Know what you’re reading before you read it.

Let's hover!

Just add Wikipedia

A fast way to investigate a source is to look for a Wikipedia article about the website/ author to learn more about them. 

Search for words on a website (CTRL + F)

Save time by searching for a specific word/phrase in the document or web page.

PC: Control + F

Mac: Command + F

Watch this video to see Mike Caulfield demonstrate the Control + F strategy in combination with the Just Add Wikipedia strategy.